
Sound therapy has been used for thousands of years across various cultures to heal and uplift the human body, mind and spirit. A gentle guided relaxation exercise plus the playing of specific instruments assist a person to deeply relax and enter a parasympathetic state and theta brainwave state (the state we enter when meditating or before we fall asleep). The parasympathetic state is also known as ‘rest and digest’ part of the nervous system, its the state in which our bodies naturally repair and heal; the opposite of ‘fight or flight’.

We are all unique so every session is customised to align and suit your needs, creating an acoustic meditative experience to restore your body back to its natural resonant frequency of well-being. There is nothing to do during a treatment other than to relax and let the sounds wash over you like a bath whilst instruments are gently played around you.

Different Themed Soundbaths are offered including Affirmation and Sound Soundbaths!


Affirmation Soundbaths